127 years and counting: This is the story you can help continue


Today, The Daily Cardinal turns 127 years old.

127 years.

Figure, conservatively, an average of 50 staffers go through those doors each year. Earlier staffs were smaller, later ones were larger. So let's estimate.

Fifty people per year.

For 127 years.

That's more than SIX THOUSAND reporters, writers, editors, salespeople, photographers. More than 6,000 decision makers. More than 6,000 leaders. More than 6,000 people who, beside their peers, learned to never take no for an answer, learned to never give up.

Thirty weeks a year, not counting summer editions and specials and extras, for 127 years: 20,000 editionsAt least. Covering both world wars, every sports championship, university shenanigans and city corruption and every presidential election from Cleveland-Harrison to Clinton-Trump.

That's the Cardinal's history, its legacy, and the tradition this year's staff shouldered. Here are their numbers:

One hundred people learning to report, write, edit, shoot and sell.

One thousand stories published in print and online.

Thirty-four editions published on paper, 365 online.

Fifty editors' meetings to hash out the week's news.

A dozen corrections to admit mistakes and learn from them.

Twenty-one pizza boxes piled up in the corner, and 30 nights celebrating a successful day's paper at the Plaza.

Your contributions last year directly supported the Cardinal's operations. We set an ambitious goal for the 2018 annual fund and blew past it, raising more than $35,000 to make sure year 126 wasn't the paper's last. In the face of unprecedented industry decline and nonstop tales of woe, hundreds of you wrote a new story.

Let's do the same for year 127. For another hundred staffers, for another 365 editions, for another thousand stories.

Contribute to the DCAA's annual fund today. Make a monthly contribution to help the paper sustain itself. Issue a challenge to your former staffers to join you.


Watch for goal updates and challenges to the 2019 Annual Fund. And thank you for being a part of the past 127 years.

Anthony Sansone